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Incredible work, you could in the future add different models and belly shapes such as totally round or torpedo, add details to the belly like stretch marks, have the red tip demonstrating how stretched it is.


this could be a very impressive idle game, if you want to go all in on hyper-preg, you could make it so you can just keep growing indefinitely, then prestige-ing to start again, spending points to upgrade things like growth rate and maybe Breast, Hip, and Butt size? 

Thank you for commenting—I like these ideas! I don't think I'm going exactly in the idle game direction with the development I've been working on, but I hope you will enjoy it anyway.  And maybe I'll return to this later and expand the idle side more....


Looks good. Would love to see her to overdue, hyperpreg, also babies moving and kicking.

Good suggestions. I'll see what I can do.


Can you make her give birth?

There are currently no plans to add birth scenes



My one major complaint in this version is the ending dialog covering the center of the screen and not being able to dismiss it. Other than that, great improvement, glad to see you using Godot!


Good point! I'll make sure to let you hide dialogue boxes at any time in the next version.


If you put different people that would be cool, because you would see different kind of people react to it

There might be something along those lines cooking in the update... ;)


Still working on it? Great game btw, android versions just broken but the web version works perfectly fine.

Glad to hear the web version is working! I've now removed the tag for Android, as I can't test that myself to make sure it's working. 

And...I'm working on the update as I type this. I hope to have a new version out somewhat soon, if irl work isn't too busy. Exciting things like color are in the works.

(2 edits) (+1)(-1)

Did not work on Android I'm sorry to say. Extracted and ran fine, but no images appeared and the text was so small it needed much zooming to read, while a massive error patch where I assume an image should be took up the page. Would benefit from some screen-relativity css (mobiles are a total ass to code for)

Going to play this on PC next to see what I'm missing. Hope to update this in a bit :)

EDIT: There we go. PC ran it fine (even a poor potato)

I like it! It's a nice simple interface, but could be improved with an auto progression if you had a need (heh) to go through MANY pregnancies... perhaps some kind of 10X click for the ultra-lazy.

Pre-suggestions (Actually implementable)

More pregnancy stages

Expression changes

Changes in hand/arm pose

Speech-bubble (Let us write our own trash for her to say)

progress scene alterations (pictures on the walls, tattoos of assumed baby-names etc)

Click BACK. Hold a key to reverse when clicked or something

Insane over-the-top Suggestions: 

Currency. Surrogating for certain families or businesses to get you money. Cam-shows for the perv... err... i mean... Interested... Then things to spend said currency on. Vitamins to help the baby grow bigger, increase a chance of twins, triplets etc. Increase milk (anyone else wanna shout 'boobies' here?) and of course, upgrades to social status and setting that will unlock even more opportunities to exponentially increase both income and waistline. want to set up a lucrative breast-milk business? I'm sure there's plenty who will pay (even if there aren't, it's a game!)

Weight gain. Not quite my thing, but it happens and is a big-ticket item for many viewers. Bigger butt, thighs, boobs and bellies can't all be bad? Currency would help here.

Level her up! Instead (or as well as) money, why not breed points? Upgrade her fertility as well as her fecundity. Cash for Points in a science lab happy to breed you with... err... whatever the green wiggly thing behind the pipes is.

Mega Pregga. Twins, Triplets and nonuplets... But only through money or 'breed-point' upgrades. More milk. Wider hips to reduce that after-breeding cooldown.

Life simulator? Ok, I think I'd get bored of this, but it's a logical progression. Between breedings, keep her going and make more money to get more food to make more babies to make more... you get the idea... plus, improve her home for comfort and profit!

Teh Sex! How ELSE do you get pregnant? Special sex scenes for breeding special, hard to find or just fun characters. Scientist with a tentacle monster? Score of horny guys from a bar? Some blind dude with a turkey baster? Why not! One-off scenes to use in a gallery, plus re-visit benefits of 'she'd look better preggers... MORE!

Customisation. Of course, everyone has a preference right? I found that I could never nail it in one... so let 'em chose! They want her with tattoos, half shaved head and a hair colour only seen in acid trips? Let em! Maybe unlock it via DNA/breed points or whatever. 

Dressup. Dang, look at me making all the extra work (don't worry. I do this to myself too...) but how good would she look in a barely-fitting shirt that used to fit a hundred clicks ago? buttons straining, stretching then eventually popping. A tee that rides up until it just won't stay down anymore. Whip out the maternity lingerie for the bonus points of holding in that lovely milky rack for a few more clicks...

Ok... I'll stop now. (disclaimer: These are suggestions much in the same way you might see things written on a bathroom stall. Do not feel obligated to stretch to ANY of these as I know from experience just how exponential ANY of these changes will be)

Thank you for the in-depth feedback! 

I'll try to play around with some things to see if I can fix the issues on android! I don't have one to test it on, though, so no promises. I'm also hoping to get the game to just run in the browser on itch, but there have been some persistent graphical glitches where images load in the wrong order. 

On to the game! This prototype is super simple, basically just a test of "can-I-make-the-belly-move". It's funny, a lot of your "pre-suggestions" (expression changes, ability to go back, auto progression, increased click effectiveness) were things I had tested when developing it—some might actually still be in the public 0.2 build haha

I love your extra suggestions. I got fairly far on a huge update: new rooms, different characters, a currency system, dialogue trees, a story, new art (with color! so it's not blindingly white lol)... but I got really stuck on a few bugs with the dialogue system and irl work got pretty busy, so I haven't come back to work on it in a couple months. Integrating a robust dialogue system from scratch proved surprisingly difficult, most likely because this is my first real programming project and I'm doing it without using any pre-existing tools, engines, or tutorials (just javascript!)

I very much am planning to come back to it (ideas for how to fix my dialogue code keep popping into my head while I'm in the shower) and it's been a great encouragement to see that people are into the idea and want to see more. 

Thank you again for the comment! It's heartening to hear your thoughts and enthusiasm.

(and here's a little screenshot of what the game looks like now, with a new room and one of the new characters:)


Well now, that is amazing! The screenshot looks awesome! I'm very impressed to hear this is just js too. It's a powerful little bugger, that's for sure. 

All my experience with js comes from making html cyoa games (expansion mansion we completed and opposing force was put on hold).

Of course, all we had was the .2 release, so it's fantastic to hear the many changes and improvements you had in mind to move forward.

If you get the time (and relevant motivation at the time) I would love to see more of this awesome project and wholeheartedly wish you all the luck in the world, as well as any help I can offer.

(1 edit) (+2)

I wrote a quite lengthy post about the game but it got detected as spam and deleted. All in all I just wanted to say that the idea is pretty nice and it could be improved by adding a darker UI, a way to go hyper pregnant with upgrades and an accessibility mode/upgrade for those who can't/don't want to click for too long. Lovely small game though, I'll be waiting for future updates if there is any!


For lengthy posts like that, it might be best to have it be a review to go with your rating, rather than a comment. I don't think it would have been flagged as spam, then.


I like your ideas! I'm going to go back to the drawing- and story-board to make this into a real game, with a sense of progression beyond the first gameplay loop. I'll definitely be considering all of these suggestions in that process.